Expert Interview Series: Bill Achola of On The Effective Use Of SMS Marketing
Bill Achola is a content marketing consultant specializing in content writing and marketing at He works closely with B2B and B2C companies providing the right content that generates traffic and revenues back to their business.
What makes SMS marketing more effective than other, more common, strategies like online marketing?
SMS marketing has a higher open rates than the other marketing strategies as the majority of people own a mobile phone.
Do you reach more customers with SMS marketing than with online marketing strategies? What are some reasons for the difference?
Yes, but when am building brand for my client business. SMS marketing is a quick and cost-effective marketing platform and it has a higher open and response rates compared to email marketing.
Currently, everyone seems to be on their phone. Everywhere and all of the time. Have you noticed that people respond more quickly to SMS marketing tactics since they appear right there on their phones, wherever they are?
Yes, because the response rate is much higher than emails.
How often is it appropriate to send marketing updates and promotions via text? Do customers respond more to information being sent to them once a week, or less/more often?
Sending timely information more often will get more responses.
Do you segment information sent based on the customer’s statistics or personal information in any way?
Yes, because it will result into more conversion rates.
So since customers sign up for SMS marketing on their own accord; would you say that the response rate to messages sent through SMS marketing are more effective than other strategies, such as CRM (close range marketing)?
Yes, the response rate and engagement is much higher.
Do you use CRM tactics as well as SMS marketing in your strategy?
I only use SMS marketing when building brand for my client business.
What are a few different ways to get potential customers interested in signing up for an SMS mailing list that you might recommend?
Use of print ads and social media particularly (Facebook Ads) are the most effective ways of building a powerful list.
Is it better to have more information in the bulk text, or links to further information?
I’d rather have links for easy navigation.
What do you see for the future of SMS marketing? Are there other efficient marketing techniques that you might want to see incorporated?
SMS will not be going anywhere, it will continue to grow and more business will leverage it to increase their customer base and sales. Another marketing technique that can go in hand with SMS marketing is Guest Blogging through Outreach Marketing.
Want to see how SMS marketing can help your business? Try GroupTexting for free today!
Categories: Text Message Marketing Tips