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Why You Should Use Text Messaging for Communication in Your Community Organization

November 20, 2015 12:00 am by

There are countless types of community organizations, from local charities to national non-profits. Although the missions, members, and activities of every community organization may vary, these groups all have one thing in common: a need to easily communicate with members. Mass texting offers group leaders an efficient way to communicate with their members about special events, meetings, and more.

Fast and Immediate Service

Let your troop know right away if there has been a change in schedule or location.

One of the best reasons to use a text messaging service for your organization is that you can quickly communicate with your members, staff, and leadership. Text messages are sent immediately, and most people open them up within minutes of receipt. Texting is the perfect way to let people know if a meeting is canceled at the last minute or put out a call for additional volunteers if someone becomes ill. Your members can also quickly respond to the request to let you know whether or not they can help out, as texting works as a two-way communication channel.

Improve Attendance

Because texting is direct and immediate, you can improve your attendance at events by sending out text message reminders. Whether you have a meeting, a fundraiser, a game, or some other special event happening, you simply need to send out a message reminding everyone to come. This reduces the number of people who forget and end up missing out, thereby increasing your attendance.

Target Messages to Special Members

Send your group leadership messages about meetings and other information.

A text messaging service lets you segment your subscriber list into groups. For example, you can have one group for your leadership, one for members, and one for the public who participate in events and fundraisers. Then, it is simple to send out messages targeted to the different groups. That way, when you have a leadership meeting, only those in your leadership group will receive the message. When you want to remind everyone about an event, it is also easy to send a mass text to everyone in your list. Alternatively, if you only need to target an individual, then you could send a message to just him or her.

Texting Works for Everyone

Although Millennials have adopted texting more than the older generations, recent data shows that texting actually works for everyone. The Baby Boomer generation is one of the fastest adopters of technology, especially text messaging. They are using texting to communicate almost as frequently as their younger counterparts.

Text messaging also works for everyone, even those who do not have computers or an Internet connection. Unlike email, text messaging only requires an SMS-capable phone. This is especially beneficial for organizations in communities whose members may not be able to afford computers and Internet, according to Non Profit Quarterly.


Community organizations have a tight budget, but texting can easily fit in it.

Text messaging service is also a cost-effective way to communicate with your members and the public. Most texting services only charge a few cents per text and have monthly plans in place for those who plan to send out a high volume of messages. Incoming messages often are free, or fees are minimal. The service works two-fold — as a way to communicate with your members and as a marketing channel for your organization. You can send out promotional information about fundraisers and events via text to try to increase the participation in your programs.

A text messaging service offers an ideal solution for community organizations to communicate with their members, leadership, and the public. It is easy to get started, inexpensive to manage, and the right people will receive your messages.

Ready to get started with text messaging for your organization? Try GroupTexting for free today.

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