6 Text Message Calls to Action that Generate Results
To get the most out of your text marketing program, it is essential to have a strong call to action (CTA). Because you are limited to just 160 characters, it is also important that your chosen CTA is concise. The best calls to action use action words that impart a sense of urgency. At their core, your text message CTAs need to grab the reader’s attention, provide some sort of value, and make people want to be part of the campaign or offer. The following CTAs are excellent examples of those that motivate mobile subscribers to take the next step.
Buy Here
Include a link to a product page to make it easy to purchase.
If you are interested in selling a product to your mobile audience, you can use this tried and true text message CTA with a hyperlink. Most people have smartphones, so they will be able to follow the link to your website to buy the product. It is also powerful to include the product in the statement, such as “Buy Product Name Here.”
Click Here
Similar to buy now, you can include a link to your website with a CTA that tells mobile users to click here. The link could be for more information about an event, to buy tickets to an event, to learn about a new product, to read news about your company, or to read your latest blog post. Introduce the page in the first part of the message, grabbing the attention and curiosity of your customers, and then include the link with the click here CTA.
Text Keyword to Number
Another popular CTA is to request that mobile users text a keyword to a particular number. Companies often use this as a way to promote their text marketing program, grow their subscriber list, or segment their mobile subscribers into groups. It has been found that text message CTAs work better than others in different types of ads, including radio and television.
Texting a keyword can work as a CTA for a variety of marketing channels.
Text to Win
This CTA is simple and effective: Text to Win or Text Keyword to Number to Win. People love contests and participating for the chance to win something of value to them. This call to action can be used in other marketing channels, including social media, website, and print ads, or it could be sent to your mobile subscribers directly via text to promote a special contest.
Respond with Keyword for More Information
Another popular CTA asks mobile users to respond to a text for more information. This can be used on texts that include information about a new product or service. Your customers will simply have to reply to the message using a keyword. You can set up an auto response associated with the keyword that automatically sends the customer the additional information, which may include a link to a webpage if you need the extra space. Many people also use this as a way to confirm subscription.
Redeem In-Store or Online
Send a coupon for customers to redeem in store using their phone.
Mobile coupons are convenient for your customers. Customers only need to have their cell phones with them to redeem your offer. It’s easier than having to print something out or remembering to bring it along. You could use wording that’s slightly different than redeem now, such as “show this text in store to save.”.
When you develop a CTA, it is best to tweak it to the particular message, desired response, and your business. With strong calls to action, you will see your campaign generating better results, helping you to achieve your goals. Ready to try these CTA ideas out? Try GroupTexting for free today!
Categories: Text Message Marketing Tips