6 Creative Holiday Messages for Your Mass Text Messaging Campaign
With the holidays just around the corner, many businesses are getting creative with text marketing to reach their customers. More and more people are turning to text messaging for their personal and business communication, and texts are the new way to share holiday greetings. With the following creative messages, you can jump on board the trend and send holiday greetings to your customers via text while also increasing your business.
Advent Calendar of Prizes
Create a digital Advent calendar to send your text message subscribers.
Many children who celebrate Christmas remember the fun of opening the door on the Advent calendar and eating that piece of chocolate or getting a prize for the day. You can tap into those fond memories by offering a digital Advent calendar of prizes to your mass text messaging subscribers. Set up a special keyword that customers have to text in every day for a unique discount or offer. To make it even more exciting, you can offer a grand prize, and the chance of winning increases with each new daily text.
Holiday-Themed Scavenger Hunt
If you do not want to have an entire 30 days of sales and discounts, it is just as much fun to create a holiday-themed scavenger hunt. You can “hide” special keywords in certain parts of your store, website, social media, and other places. Then, when your subscribers find the keywords, they can text them in to obtain a special discount or prize. This can also work as a text-to-win contest for a larger grand prize.
Texting polls are an amusing and engaging way to interact with customers and gather information. You simply have to choose a few keywords to represent different answers and then ask a question. Customers vote by texting in the keyword that matches their answer to the question. The keyword with the most responses wins. To make this holiday-themed, you can ask questions like which reindeer is your favorite, which classic holiday movie is your favorite, and more.
Last Minute Shopping Tips and Deals
As we get closer to Hanukkah and Christmas, people get more anxious about getting everything they need. You can help them to reduce their stress by offering last minute shopping tips, either for your store or in general. It is also beneficial to send out gift ideas to your subscribers to help them find what they need. It is also helpful to send out last minute deals to your store to motivate people to come in to get their shopping done.
Exclusive Access to Sales
The bulk of retail spending occurs during the holiday season as people are buying gifts and taking advantage of the great sales to purchase items they want for themselves. By offering your mass text messaging subscribers early and exclusive access to sales, you can beat out your competitors and increase your business for this time of year.
Offer Gratitude
Say thanks to your loyal customers through text message this holiday season.
The holiday season is not just about shopping and gift giving; it is also about giving thanks. As a business, this makes it the perfect time to offer gratitude to your customers, especially your most loyal ones. You can thank your mobile subscribers for their loyalty with a special text message that offers them some type of gift, whether it’s a free item or a lucrative discount.
There are many other ways to turn your regular text messages into something fitting for the holiday season. The most important thing is to offer something valuable for your customers, either by saving them money, offering tips, or providing a bit of humor and fun to help them get through this delightful but often stressful season. Try GroupTexting for free to start your holiday-themed campaign.
Categories: Text Message Marketing Tips