Organize Your Little League Team with Group Texting
It is a time-honored tradition for parents to coach their children in little league. As enriching as it can be to teach the kids, it can become a hassle to try to organize all those children and families so that no one misses a practice or a game. Group texting can help to ensure that all team members and their parents receive vital information about the league. Around 90 percent of American adults have a cell phone, and most of those are SMS enabled. This means you can easily get in touch with them, even if they do not have easy access to the Internet.
Collect Everyone’s Information
During the first practice, be sure to get everyone’s contact information.
Before you can use group texting to keep your team organized, it is important that you have everyone’s contact information. If you are coaching older kids, then it is possible they will have their own cell phones that you can text directly. Communication with younger kids will have to go through the parents. No matter what age you coach, it is essential that parents are always looped in. This not only helps them to keep track of their family’s schedule, but it also provides them with the information they need to support you and their children.
It is possible that you will have some other parents who will volunteer to help the team beyond your fellow coaches. For instance, a parent might provide snacks and drinks or carpools to games. With a group texting service, it is possible to segment your list into groups. This allows you to send special texts directly to the volunteers to remind them about their task or to ask for their help.
Send Event Reminders
Group texting is a great way to remind your team about practices, games, parties, and other events. Most people always carry their phone, so even if they are at work, shopping, or somewhere else, they will receive your text. This reduces the risk of anyone missing practice because they forgot. Once you have a regular practice schedule, it may not be necessary to send out reminders. However, if your practice schedule and game schedules constantly changes, then it could be beneficial to send out a reminder once a week to your team.
Receive Texts from Your Team
Group texting isn’t just about sending messages to your team; it is also possible to receive texts. This makes it easy for families to contact you if they have a question or if one of your players is sick and cannot make it to practice. This also provides a forum for discussion if parents feel the need to talk with you about something, which in the long run will help for a smoother organization of the team.
Last Minute Information
Texts can alert team members of changes even if they have already left the house.
There are times that you need to send out last minute information to the team. Email and social media are not always checked, and it may not be possible to call everyone. In this case, a quick text message is the best option. You can use texts to share emergency alerts, weather updates, changes of venue, practice or game cancellations, and anything else that may come up.
Group texting can help you organize your team. Although you may still send more detailed information through email, texting allows you to get in touch with your team quickly and efficiently. You simply need a service and all of your team members cell phone numbers, and you are ready to keep your team up to date.
See how texting can help your little league team stay in touch by trying GroupTexting for free!
Categories: Group Texting News