Keep Your Tour Groups Interested with Text Messaging
Although you may be taking your tour group to see some amazing sights, there still is the possibility they may start to lose interest. It can also be difficult to organize all your travelers to ensure you do not leave anyone behind. Group texting can help you to keep everyone engaged and on time, and you can also create a text marketing campaign to attract more customers. Here are some ways texting can benefit your tour company.
Instant Feedback
Ask your clients to send you instant feedback through text.
One way to keep people interested while on tour with you is to offer them a way to provide instant feedback. This may be easy with a small intimate group of four of five, but it can be harder for people to share (especially those who are shy) in larger tour groups. By accepting text messages from your tour group, you provide a forum for instant feedback that everyone can easily use. As you see the feedback from each stop on your tour, it is possible to start customizing your tour to the interests of your group based on their input.
While you explain the history of a site or the rules to follow, your tour group may still have questions. However, not everyone may feel comfortable speaking up and asking a question. By incorporating group texting, you can collect real-time inquiries from your audience and answer them in the moment. By encouraging questions through text, you can also increase the attention span of your group and create more engaged listeners.
Travel Information and Tips
You can also use your group texting program before and during the tour to provide important travel information and tips. This could include the contact information for the hotel, that way everyone will have it in writing in a place they can easily access. People always have their phones on them, so they do not have to worry about leaving the information at the hotel. You can also provide tips prior to the tour, such as suggestions on the best clothing to wear, what to expect from a different culture, and what to bring.
Offers and Discounts
Group texting offers a great way to send your tour group offers and discounts for future tours. Compelling discounts provide a little extra incentive for them to sign up for your texting program in the first place. Offers also increase the chance that one-time customers will become loyal ones.
Updates on the Itinerary
It is common for little snafus to happen while on a tour. Certain places may close unexpectedly due to problems or you may be running late. When this is the case, a text message can help. Group texting offers you a way to immediately update everyone on the situation. Text messages are typically read within a few minutes, making them the perfect way to share vital information and ensure everyone is on the same page.
Emergency Alerts
Make sure everyone knows about any emergency through text.
When you are on tour, you hope that no emergencies happen. However, it is beneficial to have a plan in place in case of any emergencies, and group texting offers an ideal communication solution. Because people carry their phones with them and check them often, you can be sure people will receive the message. Texts can be sent if there is a wide-scale emergency, such as bad weather or a terrorist attack, or if someone in the group is injured and the tour is affected.
Group texting is a cost-effective way to communicate with you tour groups, whether it is small tours of less than 10 people or huge tour groups of hundreds. You can easily keep track of everyone, engage them, and ensure they have a great time through the power of a simple text message. Try GroupTexting for free to help boost your tour business!
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