Check Out Our New Drip Campaign Feature
If you’re used to using email marketing software, you’ve probably heard of the term autoresponder before. If not, a quick definition: a timed series of messages that go out to subscribers of a particular list. This concept works well for email – and we know from your feedback – that many of you are dying to apply this to text messaging. So, we’re excited to let you know about Drip Campaigns, which allow you to send a series of timed text messages to anyone who joins (or you add to) a connected Group.
FYI – Your Keyword Autoresponses are unaffected by this feature. If someone joins your list by texting in your Keyword, we’ll always immediately send your customized response. Of course you could connect that Keyword and the Drip Campaign to the same Group, which would allow you to send a series of texts to that new opt-in over the course of the following days and weeks.
You can login to your Group Texting account right now to setup your first Drip Campaign!
Categories: Group Texting News