Categories for Marketing Reports

Lobbyists, Astroturfers & The FCC: A Net Neutrality Disaster

December 22, 2010 by
Yesterday the FCC finally issued its long awaited ruling on Net Neutrality. Net Neutrality is a fundamental principle that dictates that Internet Service Providers cannot discriminate against different types of applications and content. If you’re unfamiliar with the concept of Net Neutrality and its importance head over to endadget for some background. What does this… View Article

The Death Of The Short Code

December 9, 2010 by
The major wireless carriers came together in 2003 to create short codes to allow marketers to easily communicate with consumers. Since then text messaging has exploded in popularity. Short codes haven’t seen growth to match. Why? A long, opaque and expensive setup process prevents all but the largest brands from marketing to their customers with… View Article